Tea Party National Health Care System Plan
Click the above link to read the full article of how we can create a new health care system that will repair the current health care system and is "SO" much better than the Obamacare mess that was shoved down the throats of U.S. citizens with lies that it would take care of all people at a lower cost. We all now know Obamacare will be expensive and the reality of it is the dumocrats just want to destroy the insurance companies with Obamacare and go to a single payer system.
Please read my health care system and you will come to agree that it will solve most health care concerns and can be completely adjusted to meet any concern U.S. citizens have about getting themselves treated at a reasonable cost. Plus this health care system is not out to destroy the insurance companies.
You will here a lot of hardcore right denounce any health care plan that involves any type of government but the truth is without some government people that can't pay are always kicked to the curb by hospitals and doctors so I created this health care plan with some minor county government involvement since most countries already own and operate their own county run health care system.